What's Your Vision?

We have a few big goals of The Lilies Project:

  • create a playful community space to display public art
  • elevate excellence within the community
  • collect and share our Stokes County Stories (Oral History Survey)

We want your input for
what you would like to see
in Walnut Cove!

Fill out one of our surveys, turn the completed survey into Oma's Coffee Shop,
and receive $1 credit for a drink of your choice through June 25th, 2018. 


Feature 1

Kids, what's the scariest thing you've ever done? What games do you invent? Using questions developed by Susan G. Solomon in her book The Science of Play, we hope to gather some creative ideas to develop a welcoming and awe-inspiring community place space. 


Feature 2

Adults, do you have favorite memories of childhood play? Go back in time and share your stories about how you spent your time alone or with friends. 


Feature 3

Share your ideas of what you would like to celebrate during the August 2018 Event "Celebrating Courage: Honoring John L. Hairston & The London Lions." We are excited to host a large celebration honoring Principal Hairston, who would have turned 100 on August 13th, 2018.