Photo by Keri Brown, WFDD
On January 10 at 6:00 p.m. at Walnut Cove Elementary School (1211 Walnut Cove School Road), NC DEQ will hold a public meeting to discuss whether Duke Energy should be allowed to leave millions of tons of coal ash in an unlined pit at Belews Creek, sitting in groundwater on Little Belews Creek, near Belews Lake and just upstream of the Dan River.
PLEASE COME! And tell DEQ to make Duke Energy remove its ash from this unlined polluting pit to safe, dry, lined storage away from the lake and the river and out of the groundwater. This is being done at every utility (including Duke Energy) coal ash pit in South Carolina and at 8 other sites in North Carolina. Walnut Cove and Stokes County deserve the same protections and the same respect!
Related Materials
CAMA Impoundment Closure and Groundwater Monitoring at Low Priority Sites
Proposed Groundwater Assessment Work Plan, December 30, 2014
Duke Energy CCR Rules Compliance Data & Information for All Sites, including Belews Creek (direct link)
After campaign pledge, N.C. Gov. Roy Cooper faces test on coal ash, by Elizabeth Outzs, Energy News, Thursday, January 24th, 2019.
Citizens urge DEQ to excavate the coal ash, by Amanda Dodson, The Stokes News, Wednesday, January 16th, 2019.
Community Weighs In On Duke Energy's Coal Ash Closure Proposals, by Keri Brown, WFDD, Friday, January 11th, 2019.
Public Meeting Held Over Coal Ash Concerns, Morning News Briefs, WFDD, Friday, January 11th, 2019.
Residents, environmentalists push for coal ash landfill, by Taft Wireback, Greensboro News & Record, Thursday, January 10th, 2019.
Photos: A.C.T. Against Coal Ash and NCDEQ host meetings to discuss coal ash, by Andrew Dye, Winston-Salem, Journal, Thursday, January 10th, 2019.
DEQ meeting set for Thursday, The Stokes News, Wednesday, January 9th, 2019.
Duke offers another plan for Belews Creek coal ash, by Taft Wireback, Greensboro News & Record, January 9th, 2018.
Public Meetings Set To Discuss Coal Ash Basin Closures For Belews Creek, Other Sites, by Keri Brown, 88.5 WFDD, January 2, 2019.
Duke Energy’s flood maps reveal only part of the risk of a coal ash spill, by Lisa Sorg, The Progressive Pulse, NC Policy Watch, October 12, 2017.